Thursday, May 10, 2012

And so it begins...

Alrighty then!  So I decided that I have a lot of things that I would like to say, but had no way of communicating them without being "that guy" on Facebook who starts posting all kinds of random posts all the time.  Besides that, I feel like by doing a blog I can make it kind of my online journal so to speak.  So my this is my first post as a official blogger.

Lately I have been thinking about a few things.  I thought, "I want to change the world, but how does a little guy like me do that?" Well, if you were expecting me to answer that question, then I am sorry to disappoint! It's a work in progress.  As you might know, and you may even be a fan, Marvel's: The AVENGERS just came out in theaters.  If you have seen it great, if you haven't then that is okay too... I guess I will still consider you my friend.  Anyway, just like any superhero movie the team of superheroes saves the world.  (SPOILER ALERT!)  During the movie I thought to myself, "Wow! This stuff is so incredulous!  Why do we pay so much money to see things that are completely unrealistic?  I should make a movie that is more realistic."  And I know you know what I am talking about.  You've see the movies where the guy that is driving the car into oncoming traffic while shooting at the bad guys doesn't so much as get a scratch on his car.  I then thought, " Whoa whoa whoa!  If I made a movie that was realistic, then it would be the most boring movie EVER!"  I wouldn't even watch my own movie.  That's how boring it would be.  (I am not saying that I didn't like the AVENGERS by the way.  I loved it.  I am just making a point.)

After some contemplation I came to the conclusion that we all have a desire within us to be better and bigger than ourselves.  That's why we enjoy watching Jason Bourne kick the CIA's trash so much.  It is just a lot easier to watch people do something great rather than doing something great ourselves. Now hear me out! I am NOT saying that you should try to go kick some CIA trash.  That would be a terrible idea.  I AM saying that the world would be a lot better off if we all just spent as much time striving for greatness as we do dreaming about it.  But seriously, let's look at some of history's greatest shall we:  Jesus Christ, Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo, Aristotle, Socrates, Albert Einstein, Christopher Columbus, the pilgrims, Magellan, Alexander the Great.  All of these people were great because they ventured into uncharted waters (some of them literally, and others figuratively).  They went where no one had been before, and by doing that they discovered great things and will forever be esteemed as great!  Now where do WE fall into this? How do WE achieve greatness? Well, I think that you will agree that it starts with just the attitude that says, "I want to be more than I am."

James the brother of the Lord Jesus Christ taught, "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."  By watching someone do something great we deceive ourselves into thinking that we have done something great.  Christ taught in the Gospel of Luke, "Whosoever cometh unto me and heareth my sayings, and doeth them,... he is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.  But he that heareth and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great."  (Bible KJV James 1:22, Luke 6:47-49)  We can be great, but it requires effort.  I am disappointed that I am just barely realizing this.  Benjamin Franklin said, "Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing."  In either case it requires action!

I started a blog so that by doing things worth writing, I will write things worth reading.


  1. Jared- ha. Your blog is great! My wife and I started one also, not as inspiring as yours but still pretty good (sometimes kinda funny). Are you still in Provo? If you ever need a lady friend just keep in mind that I have 2 sisters I think you might get along with that are currently single... Anyways, just wanted to say hi. I hope everything is going well.

  2. Hi. Just a Southern-girl-myself, blog-stalker here. Love your blog and photos-- and your candid observations of Southerners :-). How much $ for a 11 x 14 of the Amish woman plowing? I am actually Jared's mom. And Devin's mom. And Trace's mom. Interesting that you have random connections with multiple sons of mine. Serious about the photo. I wonder how it would look in sepia tones or b&w. Best wishes in PA school.

    1. Ha. I'm computer illiterate also, so it took me a second to connect the dots. Thanks for checking our blog out! My wife took the picture and I know she had to zoom quite a bit for that one so I'll see if it would still be good enough quality at that size (I'm betting it would be). I'll get back to you ASAP.
      oh and you sure raised some great kids!

  3. Oops. Posted on wrong blog. You know I'm computer illiterate.
